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Life Changing Workshop

Joy to You & Me Presents a Life Changing Workshop:

A Day Long Intensive Training in Robert Burney's

Spiritual Integration Formula for Inner Healing

"The approach that I discovered in my personal recovery - and developed in my work with others - is the missing integration formula that people in recovery, on a healing / spiritual path, have been seeking for years.  We can have lots of intellectual knowledge of what constitutes healthy behavior, and multiple spiritual experiences, but until we can integrate knowing / Knowing into our emotional relationship with self and life it is not possible to fundamentally change our behavior patterns - especially, and most importantly, our behavior patterns in intimate relationships.


There are many teachers, books, etc., these days that will tell you that the goal is to learn to Love your self - but no one really tells you how to do that. That is what the approach to inner healing - that I have been gifted with developing - facilitates. . . . . .


 . . . . This work can empower you to not only to find inner peace / stop the war within - to learn to "be" present for your life journey today with the capacity to be happy, Joyous, and free in the moment - but is also the key to healing your fear of intimacy enough to learn how to open up to Love and be healthier in a romantic relationship." - Robert Burney

Update 10/15//24:   I scheduled a workshops in Octoberber


Joy to You & Me presents an Intensive Training in Robert Burney's Spiritual Integration Formula for Inner Healing /

Codependency Recovery / Inner Child Healing - on Zoom - an empowering and Life Changing experience.


Sunday September 8th & 15th Western Hemisphere and European Time Zones

9 - 12 am PDT,  10 am - 1 pm MDT Denver,  11 am to 2 pm CDT Omaha / Chicago,  12 noon - 3 pm EDT New York,

5 - 8  pm London,  6 - 9 pm Paris/Berlin/Johannesburg ,  7 - 10 pm Helsinki/Beirut etc.


Zoom + Life Changing seminar = Joyous Zoominar

Intensive Training Day Workshop Video Recording


Special offer of $47.50 for the MP3 video recording of the Workshop

(Normally $59.95)

See Special Offer


3/16/20 - Announcing date for Workshop in Morro Bay CA June 28th cancelled

"Robert Burney's training day was so inspirational and enlightening.  He was loving and warm and presented profound life changing material in a very not intimidating way.  Magical!"

"My life has been much better since I went to your seminar."

"Brilliant.  Liberating.  So profound it is sometimes hilarous!  I feel you completely get the dynamics of the human experience and the truth you teach can set people free."

"Robert is a very compassoinate, intuitive, and intelligent soul who shares his insights to you in such a clear, fun, and poignant way that your life will be forever changed."

"I found this session to be very useful in seeing the what & the why of "my" reality.  The understanding I have gained gives me hope in my future.  This has been the greatest gift I have ever given myself."
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